What is LAF?
Living the life of Love, Appreciation, and Forgiveness (LAF) is a way of living your higher-self and gives you a life of inner peace and joy. You organically default to surrender to everything in the present moment. You would be like an extension of everything that includes all of Mother Earth, every human being, and the entire universe. You won’t even know how to hate anymore. It will feel like a foreign language; you know it exists, but you don’t comprehend it. If somebody does something to hurt me, I forgive them automatically because i put them in front of me to see how I will react. I love and appreciate them because they are an extension of me. I have to, knowing that everything happens for a reason. To get to this point, you need to understand where you came from God (the one) and Love, Appreciate, and Forgive properly. Also understanding the many egos and how they function. We come to apply these simple tools in our everyday life that have profoundly opened our eyes to see the truth of being one. Please enjoy your time here looking into what we both do.
Sending everyone unconditional love,
James & Sharon
James John
I am here to remind you that you are God, expressing itself threw a beautiful human body.
Sharon Sillen
My name is Sharon Sillen and my personal journey has always included supporting others who wish to grow in many different capacities. The joy of studying metaphysics and helping others has lead me down many paths throughout the years including: Reiki Master, Integrated Energy Therapy, Life Coach, Hospice Volunteer, Reverend, hosting Meditation Groups and Retreat Organizer. It is my hope that through my work, I assist in anchoring more love into the world and into the hearts of others.