Category: Quotes

Visiting Our Source!!!

11-11-2015 I I went to the gym for a small workout. I then went to hot yoga as well. Earlier in the day I had a situation where I called up someone that I know who deeply hates me. I told him I was sorry if I did anything to him because I feel all the time, that he is still holding on…

Must Read Story!!!

I was at the Conscious Life expo in LA this weekend and it was amazing and words will never be able to describe what happened in front of our (LAF) Love Appreciate Forgive booth. I saw a boy with severe special needs. I wanted to give his mother a book to share with her son, named Elijah. He automatically grab…

Words of entering LAF…

I just found something I wrote along time ago, this is how I write down my thoughts. How far do we need to fall before we learn our lessons in life. Waking up day after day waiting for that true answer to come I search and search for the lesson to be so clear and yet another day passes wishing…

Feeling disappointed in others.

You know, it happens to everyone; the feeling of being disappointed in others. You may have found yourself in a situation where your were helping out a close friend and you feel you were representing yourself the right way, and doing everything in your power to help out. Then when it becomes the time when you need help, your close…

Are you living consciously…

I would like people to understand that the horrific actions that happen here on Earth are not done by conscious people or “regular people”. Let’s start with the darkest to lightest of people. You have your psychopaths, mental institutes, maximum security prisons, regular prisons, regular people who do really bad things, people who do little bad things, people who do…

Relationship story.

A friend asked me for advice about his relationship. He asked, “What if you meet a beautiful girl at the bar. You become friends and you start dating. Everything is so beautiful you share good times and memories together. You go places and experience new things together and are with each other all the time. Then you start having these…